Everyday Learning Strategies We’ve Embraced

Everyday Learning Strategies We’ve Embraced

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We’ve made constant improvement a hallmark of the Synaptic, Inc. culture, so we’re always trying to refine our learning methods. Through our efforts, we’ve discovered that the following strategies are effective in building our professional acumen.

Before anything else, we make sure to take care of our bodies as a way to streamline learning. By getting plenty of sleep, sticking to healthy diets, and finding time for regular exercise, we make sure we’re ready for breakthrough lessons when they present themselves. We’re better equipped to absorb new concepts when we’re at our physical best.

We’ve also used the internet to our learning advantage at Synaptic, Inc. HQ. There are many educational videos available through YouTube, but we also challenge ourselves by taking online courses as often as possible. Coursera and Udemy are two of our favorite options for doing so. We can sharpen our professional skills during our free time without spending a lot of money.

Whatever resources we use to build our skill sets, we make sure we’re free of distractions when putting them to good use. When we decide it’s time to explore new concepts or practice new skills, we set aside windows of time so that we can give them the focus they deserve.

These concepts are helping us accelerate our development. Follow Synaptic, Inc. on Instagram to receive more of our best tips for learning on the job.